Ultraviewer pc download
Ultraviewer pc download

You will also have the ability to help a user solve technical issues, share files and work with multiple computers simultaneously. This is how simple it can be to connect two computers.

  • Step 3 - Finally, the connection must be authorized by the person who is using the computer.
  • To take control, the user must enter data from the computer that is being used for this purpose and then press the connect button.
  • Step 2 - Once you have opened the program, it will generate an ID number and password.
  • First Install the program on both the computer you intend to use and the one that you wish to manage.
  • ultraviewer pc download

    These steps will allow you to link two computers, and control one by remote control. This program works in the same way as TeamViewer, which is a remote control software for PC.

    ultraviewer pc download

    Without having to physically go, you can help other users via their computers. You will need to create a password and an ID. Are you looking for remote access to computers? UltraViewer allows you access to the function via a straightforward method.

    Ultraviewer pc download